Monday, February 22, 2016

a few things that were too beautiful to keep to myself tonight

this song has so much personal importance:
 it was so brave of sufjan to trust it with someone else. 
(blue bucket of gold, sung by gallant)

"remember when you lost your shit and
drove the car into the garden
you got out & said 'i'm sorry'
to the vines,
& no one saw it"

(disclaimer : don't listen to when content). 
i'm really trusting you guys with this one;
close your eyes, listen, and feel broken open. 

every love,
rosyln (emily) grey (moyle)

1 comment:

  1. you're wonderful and all of your work is so wonderful. i don't mean to put pressure on you or anything (because i know i feel that way sometimes when people tell me things like that) but i really do mean it. #blogcrush5ever
