Thursday, December 17, 2015

(not quite the sundance) film festival

(poem by andrea gibson,
video filmed & edited by emily moyle and kira hurst)

( poem by buddy wakefield,
video edited by maddy cottle)

Monday, December 14, 2015

the beacon of moonkissed bones

let's sing. let's dance. let's walk hundreds of dogs & watch thousands of movies.  let's burn more incense & let's spend every summer evening camping on the trampoline. let's keep telling each other all that we know about the milky way & let's keep showing each other every good song that kisses our hearts.

they say good friends come only once in a lifetime and well, i'll just say that i'm glad it's happening now:

because the words bravery, kindness, cleverness and selflessness
all have you as their first definition.

because every canyon road knows our cars by heart,
& our steering wheels have memorized the baselines to all our favorite songs.

because i think of you with every klimt painting i see
and best coast song i hear,

because i remember you every time i listen to keaton henson
or sufjan stevens
or bat manors.

because you have fortitude as long as your hair
& we've counted as many satellites in the sky as there are freckles on your cheeks.

so let's not throw ourselves into the sun this time, 
let's fall forward into every extraordinary "maybe" and "what-if,"
because i'm by your side;

you've seen my full spectrum,
and i've seen yours;
so let's make this prism a little bit larger.

"barefoot, braided, & sun kissed she entered the world...
and God smiled." - n.t.

(happy birthday, dear sydnee). 
                                                   fondly & forever,                         e.m.

(small hands - keaton henson
the only place - best coast
impossible soul IV - sufjan stevens
the cruise - bat manors)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

this one's for you, vincent.

(revealing a bit of myself)

it's raining,
not from the sky, from my eyes
& it pours just about everyday.

"be who you want to be, do what you want to do, who cares ?"
be different !
i wish it was that easy. 

i'm trying to do the right thing, but no one cares and who knows if anyone ever will...

... i don't know. 
i'm trying to figure it out, but damn, it's hard. 

let's go back to when sleeping in the car was comfortable, and we were all so vulnerable. 
when love wasn't one of our biggest battles cause we didn't even know what war was. 

how did we end like this, living lives we don't care about ?

people, days,  places, moments,
i've forgotten things that i would do anything to remember. 

i want to paint my life with mistakes & memories. bright and burning like the most exciting of books. 

i'm not afraid of you or me
or untied shoes:
but I am afraid of getting hurt. 

i love people who can make me laugh & i hate people seeing me cry. 
i hate driving but i love long drives. 
i look up to my best friend more than she will ever know. 

...the things you think about right before you fall asleep;

i'll never forget the phone calls. i'll never forget the pit in my stomach,

friendly, tough, heroic...

you're just a little less than perfect,
but that's perfect to me. 


i'll wait). 

because falling is one of my favorite feelings;
my heart is real
i'm always tired
i love stars. 

whatever you do, remember to never run back to what hurt you:
life is too short to spend it at war with yourself. 

(but sometimes, it's all you have). 

                   this one's for you, vincent:
                   vincent may. 
                   this one's for you, kayla. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

(daydreaming of you with me is sick)

(hideous dangers are decorated beautifully)

(but, i think it already has)

(kind of sadistic, i know. sorry)

(in the spirit of christmas; this turned out pretty depressing. oops)

(how i feel about my newfound adulthood)

(wow look ! this one's kinda hopeful :')
it was supposed to say, 'the echoing voices
of death and terror. let him love me.
there was nothing i could do - nothing. help me. 
help me. God, Allah, Osiris, anyone...
help me. i was half sobbing, half laughing.
then i was no longer alone')

with black & white hugs & kisses,
rosyln luna grey