let's sing. let's dance. let's walk hundreds of dogs & watch thousands of movies. let's burn more incense & let's spend every summer evening camping on the trampoline. let's keep telling each other all that we know about the milky way & let's keep showing each other every good song that kisses our hearts.
they say good friends come only once in a lifetime and well, i'll just say that i'm glad it's happening now:
because the words bravery, kindness, cleverness and selflessness
all have you as their first definition.
because every canyon road knows our cars by heart,
& our steering wheels have memorized the baselines to all our favorite songs.
because i think of you with every klimt painting i see
and best coast song i hear,
because i remember you every time i listen to keaton henson
or sufjan stevens
or bat manors.
because you have fortitude as long as your hair
& we've counted as many satellites in the sky as there are freckles on your cheeks.
so let's not throw ourselves into the sun this time,
let's fall forward into every extraordinary "maybe" and "what-if,"
because i'm by your side;
you've seen my full spectrum,
and i've seen yours;
so let's make this prism a little bit larger.
"barefoot, braided, & sun kissed she entered the world...
and God smiled." - n.t.
(happy birthday, dear sydnee).
fondly & forever, e.m.
(small hands - keaton henson
the only place - best coast
impossible soul IV - sufjan stevens
the cruise - bat manors)