Sunday, September 13, 2015

teenage prayers

teenage prayers
often whispered after midnight
are always half-conscious & rarely sincere.

teenage prayers
contain more pleadings than gratitude
& more words than tears.

but teenage prayers
repeatedly ask for the guidance
to harbor self-love;

for our hearts to know more places
than the dust on our boots
& for the hallways to seem
a little less crowded.

teenage prayers
often ask God why
our parents can't seem to work love out.

teenage prayers
can plead for the sanity
to stop wishing that every evening light is our last.

& teenage prayers
always ask for the strength
to swallow the temptation
to re-open our scars.


  1. "for our hearts to know more places than the dust on our boots & for the hallways to seem a little less crowded."

    this entire post was so good.

  2. "for our hearts to know more places
    than the dust on our boots
    & for the hallways to seem
    a little less crowded." Love that
    Very excited to know who you are someday.

  3. "teenage prayers contain more pleadings than gratitude & more words than tears."

    this whole post just hit me. So good!

  4. for our hearts to know more places
    than the dust on our boots
    & for the hallways to seem
    a little less crowded.

    wow. this is incredible.

  5. I don't usually get emotional. They're just blogs. They're just teenagers.

    " for our hearts to know more places
    than the dust on our boots
    & for the hallways to seem
    a little less crowded."

    Too good.

  6. Amazing job! One of the best blogs I've read for sure!

  7. always ask for the strength
    to swallow the temptation
    to re-open our scars.

    Hits far too close to home. So many emotions

  8. I love love love this and relate to it so well. I want to steal every line, I wish that I could write like this.


  9. " for our hearts to know more places
    than the dust on our boots
    & for the hallways to seem
    a little less crowded."

    this is my favorite post i have read on the blogs so far. so well written. the flow is seriously that most important part about writing. you could be saying crap that doesnt make any sense and just as long as it sounds good all together then you have a great blog post. you and meaningful words and great flow and i am very impressed.

    i hope at least some of that made sense. if it didn't, then oh well, but anywyas. this was really really really good.

  10. Please write more than you are assigned. you have a gift.

  11. Please write more than you are assigned. you have a gift.

  12. This makes me want to write something again. Thank you.
